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Section: 1 Introduction
- Introduction
- What is Angular
- Architecture of Angular Apps
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Your First Angular App
- Structure of Angular Projects
- Webpack
- Angular Version History
- Quiz 1: Angular Basics
Section: 2 TypeScript Fundamentals
- Introduction
- What is TypeScript?
- Your First TypeScript Program
- Declaring Variables
- Types
- Type Assertions
- Arrow Functions
- Interfaces
- Classes
- Objects
- Constructors
- Access Modifiers
- Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
- Properties
- Modules
- Exercise
Section: 3 Angular Fundamentals
- Introduction
- Building Blocks of Angular Apps
- Components
- Generating Components Using Angular CLI
- Templates
- Directives
- Services
- Dependency Injection
- Generating Services Using Angular CLI
- Assignment 1: List of Authors
Section: 4 Displaying Data and Handling Events
- Introduction
- Property Binding
- Attribute Binding
- Adding Bootstrap
- Class Binding
- Style Binding
- Event Binding
- Event Filtering
- Template Variables
- Two-way Binding
- Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Assignment 2: Favorite Component
- Assignment 3: Title Casing
Section: 5 Building Re-usable Components
- Introduction
- Component API
- Input Properties
- Aliasing Input Properties
- Output Properties
- Passing Event Data
- Aliasing Output Properties
- Templates
- Styles
- View Encapsulation
- ngContent
- ngContainer
- Assignment 4: Like Component
Section: 6 Directives
- Introduction
- ngIf
- Hidden Property
- ngSwitchCase
- ngFor
- ngFor and Change Detection
- ngFor and Trackby
- The Leading Asterisk
- ngClass
- ngStyle
- Safe Traversal Operator
- Creating Custom Directives
- Assignment 5: Exercise: ZippyComponent
Section: 7 Template-driven Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Types of Forms
- ngModel
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Styling Invalid Input Fields
- Cleaner Templates
- ngForm
- ngModelGroup
- Control Classes and Directives
- Disabling the Submit Button
- Working with Check Boxes
Section: 8 Reactive Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Creating Controls Programmatically
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Implementing Custom Validation
- Asynchronous Operations
- Asynchronous Validators
- Showing a Loader Image
- Validating the Form Input Upon Submit
- Nested FormGroups
- FormArray
- FormBuilder
- Quick Recap
- Assignment 7: Change Password Form
Section: 9 Consuming HTTP Services
- Introduction
- JSONPlaceHolder
- Getting Data
- Creating Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- OnInit Interface
- Separation of Concerns
- Extracting a Service
- Handling Errors
- Handling Unexpected Errors
- Handling Expected Errors
- Throwing Application-specific Errors
- Handling Bad Request Errors
- Importing Observable Operators and Factory Methods
- Global Error Handling
- Extracting a Reusable Error Handling Method
- Extracting a Reusable Data Service
- The Map Operator
- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates
- Observables vs Promises
- Assignment 8: GitHub Followers Page
Section: 10 Routing and Navigation
- Introduction
- Routing in a Nutshell
- Configuring Routes
- RouterOutlet
- RouterLink
- RouterLinkActive
- Getting the Route Parameters
- Why Route Parameters Are Observables
- Routes with Multiple Parameters
- Query Parameters
- Subscribing to Multiple Observables
- The SwitchMap Operator
- Programmatic Navigation
- Assignment 9: Blog Archives
Section: 11 Authentication and Authorization
- Introduction
- Application Overview
- Architecture
- JSON Web Tokens
- Starter Code
- Implementing Login
- Implementing Logout
- Showing or Hiding Elements
- Showing or Hiding Elements based on the User’s Role
- Getting the Current User
- CanActivate Interface
- Redirecting Users After Logging In
- Protecting Routes Based on the User’s Role
- Accessing Protected API Resources
Quick Recap
Section: 12 Deployment
- Introduction
- Preparing for Deployment
- JIT vs AOT Compilation
- Angular Compiler in Action
- Building Applications with Angular CLI
- Environments
- Adding Custom Environments
- Linting with Angular CLI
- Linting in VSCode
- Other Deployment Options
- Deploying to GitHub Pages
- Deploying to Firebase
- Heroku
- Deploying to Heroku
- Engines
- 168. Exercise
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We Will Be Updated Soon.
We Will Be Updated Soon.
We Will Be Updated Soon.
- + Curriculum
Section: 1 Introduction
- Introduction
- What is Angular
- Architecture of Angular Apps
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Your First Angular App
- Structure of Angular Projects
- Webpack
- Angular Version History
- Quiz 1: Angular Basics
Section: 2 TypeScript Fundamentals
- Introduction
- What is TypeScript?
- Your First TypeScript Program
- Declaring Variables
- Types
- Type Assertions
- Arrow Functions
- Interfaces
- Classes
- Objects
- Constructors
- Access Modifiers
- Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
- Properties
- Modules
- Exercise
Section: 3 Angular Fundamentals
- Introduction
- Building Blocks of Angular Apps
- Components
- Generating Components Using Angular CLI
- Templates
- Directives
- Services
- Dependency Injection
- Generating Services Using Angular CLI
- Assignment 1: List of Authors
Section: 4 Displaying Data and Handling Events
- Introduction
- Property Binding
- Attribute Binding
- Adding Bootstrap
- Class Binding
- Style Binding
- Event Binding
- Event Filtering
- Template Variables
- Two-way Binding
- Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Assignment 2: Favorite Component
- Assignment 3: Title Casing
Section: 5 Building Re-usable Components
- Introduction
- Component API
- Input Properties
- Aliasing Input Properties
- Output Properties
- Passing Event Data
- Aliasing Output Properties
- Templates
- Styles
- View Encapsulation
- ngContent
- ngContainer
- Assignment 4: Like Component
Section: 6 Directives
- Introduction
- ngIf
- Hidden Property
- ngSwitchCase
- ngFor
- ngFor and Change Detection
- ngFor and Trackby
- The Leading Asterisk
- ngClass
- ngStyle
- Safe Traversal Operator
- Creating Custom Directives
- Assignment 5: Exercise: ZippyComponent
Section: 7 Template-driven Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Types of Forms
- ngModel
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Styling Invalid Input Fields
- Cleaner Templates
- ngForm
- ngModelGroup
- Control Classes and Directives
- Disabling the Submit Button
- Working with Check Boxes
Section: 8 Reactive Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Creating Controls Programmatically
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Implementing Custom Validation
- Asynchronous Operations
- Asynchronous Validators
- Showing a Loader Image
- Validating the Form Input Upon Submit
- Nested FormGroups
- FormArray
- FormBuilder
- Quick Recap
- Assignment 7: Change Password Form
Section: 9 Consuming HTTP Services
- Introduction
- JSONPlaceHolder
- Getting Data
- Creating Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- OnInit Interface
- Separation of Concerns
- Extracting a Service
- Handling Errors
- Handling Unexpected Errors
- Handling Expected Errors
- Throwing Application-specific Errors
- Handling Bad Request Errors
- Importing Observable Operators and Factory Methods
- Global Error Handling
- Extracting a Reusable Error Handling Method
- Extracting a Reusable Data Service
- The Map Operator
- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates
- Observables vs Promises
- Assignment 8: GitHub Followers Page
Section: 10 Routing and Navigation
- Introduction
- Routing in a Nutshell
- Configuring Routes
- RouterOutlet
- RouterLink
- RouterLinkActive
- Getting the Route Parameters
- Why Route Parameters Are Observables
- Routes with Multiple Parameters
- Query Parameters
- Subscribing to Multiple Observables
- The SwitchMap Operator
- Programmatic Navigation
- Assignment 9: Blog Archives
Section: 11 Authentication and Authorization
- Introduction
- Application Overview
- Architecture
- JSON Web Tokens
- Starter Code
- Implementing Login
- Implementing Logout
- Showing or Hiding Elements
- Showing or Hiding Elements based on the User’s Role
- Getting the Current User
- CanActivate Interface
- Redirecting Users After Logging In
- Protecting Routes Based on the User’s Role
- Accessing Protected API Resources
Quick Recap
Section: 12 Deployment
- Introduction
- Preparing for Deployment
- JIT vs AOT Compilation
- Angular Compiler in Action
- Building Applications with Angular CLI
- Environments
- Adding Custom Environments
- Linting with Angular CLI
- Linting in VSCode
- Other Deployment Options
- Deploying to GitHub Pages
- Deploying to Firebase
- Heroku
- Deploying to Heroku
- Engines
- 168. Exercise
- + Certification
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- + Why Yess Infotech
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- + Trainer Profile
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- + What is Next
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