We are the best IT Training and Placement Institute in ,Pune.We provide all IT Training for freshers as well as for working professionals. Also,we provide wide range of trainings.We consult our students for career opportunities and support for long time.
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Basics of Manual Testing
- Introduction
- Types of Testing
- Development life cycle
- Testing life cycle
- Bug life cycle
- Different development models
- Water fall
- Agile
Basics of Selenium
- Introduction
- Why selenium
- Selenium Vs Other automation tool (QTP)
- Selenium components
- Selenium Core
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium RC (1.0)
- Selenium Webdriver (3.0)
- Selenium Grid
Selenium IDE
- Introduction
- IDE features
- Installing & configuring IDE
- Inspecting elements in IDE
- Recording and playback the scripts
- Building test cases
- Running test cases
- Debugging
Selenium Webdriver (3.0)
- Introduction
- Configuring Webdriver with Eclipse
- Create project
- Create and run tests
- Executing tests on multiple browsers Debugging tests
- IE
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Using locators (Id, Class, Name, xpath, css etc)
- Choosing locating Strategies
- Handling Security popups / Alerts / Dialog boxes
- Error Handling
- Working with various Web Elements
- Buttons
- Input boxes
- List
- Links
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes
- Comboboxes /dropdowns
Advanced Selenium Webdriver
- Complex xpath construction(relative xpath, xpath for tables)
- Attachment using native window
- Handling iFrame/Frame
- File Upload/Download
- Screenshots
- UI Mapping/Object Map
- Data Handling
- Parameterization
- Waits in Selenium
- Implicit wait
- Explicit wait.
- Automating Web Table and creating generic library.
- Action Class
Automation Framework
- What is Automation Framework?
- Data Driven Framework
- Keyword Driven Framework
- Hybrid Framework
- Page Object Model
- Reading the data from external files (Excel)
- Executing test in parallel using Selenium and TestNG
- Hands on experience
Python Syllabus:
1: Introduction
- What is Python..?
- A Brief history of Python
- Why Should I learn Python..?
- Installing Python
- How to execute Python program
- Write your first program
2: Variables & Data Types
- Variables
- Numbers
- String
- Lists ,Tuples & Dictionary
3: Conditional Statements & Loops
- if…statement
- if…else statement
- elif…statement
- The while…Loop
- The for….Loop
4: Control Statements
- continue statement
- break statement
- pass statement
5: Functions
- Define function
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built-in functions
6: Modules & Packages
- Modules
- How to import a module…?
- Packages
- How to create packages
7: Classes & Objects
- Introduction about classes & objects
- Creating a class & object
- Inheritance
- Methods Overriding
- Data hiding
8: Files & Exception Handling
- Writing data to a file
- Reading data from a file
- Read and Write data from csv file
- try…except
- try…except…else
- finally
- os module
Module 2:Getting started with Python Libraries
- what is data analysis ?
- why python for data analysis ?
- Essential Python Libraries
- Installation and setup
- Ipython
- Jupyter Notebook
- 2.7 VS 3.5
Module 3 :OS
- Command Line
- sys.argv
- argparse module
Module 4:NumPy Arrays
- Creating multidimensional array
- NumPy-Data types
- Array attributes
- Indexing and Slicing
- Creating array views and copies
- Manipulating array shapes
- I/O with NumPy
Module 5:Working with Pandas
- Installing pandas
- Pandas dataframes
- Pandas Series
- Data aggregation with Pandas DataFrames
- Concatenating and appending DataFrames
- Joining DataFrames
- Handling missing data
Module 6: Data Loading,Storage and file format
- Writing CSV files with numpy and pandas
- HDF5 format
- Reading and Writing to Excel with pandas
- JSON data
- Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
- PyTables
Module 7: Python Regular Expressions
- What are regular expressions?
- The match Function
- The search Function
- Matching vs searching
- Search and Replace
- Extended Regular Expressions
- Wildcard
Module 8:Python Oracle Database Access
- Install the cx_Oracle and other Packages
- Create Database Connection
- DML and DDL Oepration with Databases
- Performing Transactions
- Handling Database Errors
- Disconnecting Database
Module 9:Python Multithreaded Programming
- What is multithreading?
- Starting a New Thread
- The Threading Module
- Synchronizing Threads
- Multithreaded Priority Queue
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- + Curriculum
Basics of Manual Testing
- Introduction
- Types of Testing
- Development life cycle
- Testing life cycle
- Bug life cycle
- Different development models
- Water fall
- Agile
Basics of Selenium
- Introduction
- Why selenium
- Selenium Vs Other automation tool (QTP)
- Selenium components
- Selenium Core
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium RC (1.0)
- Selenium Webdriver (3.0)
- Selenium Grid
Selenium IDE
- Introduction
- IDE features
- Installing & configuring IDE
- Inspecting elements in IDE
- Recording and playback the scripts
- Building test cases
- Running test cases
- Debugging
Selenium Webdriver (3.0)
- Introduction
- Configuring Webdriver with Eclipse
- Create project
- Create and run tests
- Executing tests on multiple browsers Debugging tests
- IE
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Using locators (Id, Class, Name, xpath, css etc)
- Choosing locating Strategies
- Handling Security popups / Alerts / Dialog boxes
- Error Handling
- Working with various Web Elements
- Buttons
- Input boxes
- List
- Links
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes
- Comboboxes /dropdowns
Advanced Selenium Webdriver
- Complex xpath construction(relative xpath, xpath for tables)
- Attachment using native window
- Handling iFrame/Frame
- File Upload/Download
- Screenshots
- UI Mapping/Object Map
- Data Handling
- Parameterization
- Waits in Selenium
- Implicit wait
- Explicit wait.
- Automating Web Table and creating generic library.
- Action Class
Automation Framework
- What is Automation Framework?
- Data Driven Framework
- Keyword Driven Framework
- Hybrid Framework
- Page Object Model
- Reading the data from external files (Excel)
- Executing test in parallel using Selenium and TestNG
- Hands on experience
Python Syllabus:
1: Introduction
- What is Python..?
- A Brief history of Python
- Why Should I learn Python..?
- Installing Python
- How to execute Python program
- Write your first program
2: Variables & Data Types
- Variables
- Numbers
- String
- Lists ,Tuples & Dictionary
3: Conditional Statements & Loops
- if…statement
- if…else statement
- elif…statement
- The while…Loop
- The for….Loop
4: Control Statements
- continue statement
- break statement
- pass statement
5: Functions
- Define function
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built-in functions
6: Modules & Packages
- Modules
- How to import a module…?
- Packages
- How to create packages
7: Classes & Objects
- Introduction about classes & objects
- Creating a class & object
- Inheritance
- Methods Overriding
- Data hiding
8: Files & Exception Handling
- Writing data to a file
- Reading data from a file
- Read and Write data from csv file
- try…except
- try…except…else
- finally
- os module
Module 2:Getting started with Python Libraries
- what is data analysis ?
- why python for data analysis ?
- Essential Python Libraries
- Installation and setup
- Ipython
- Jupyter Notebook
- 2.7 VS 3.5
Module 3 :OS
- Command Line
- sys.argv
- argparse module
Module 4:NumPy Arrays
- Creating multidimensional array
- NumPy-Data types
- Array attributes
- Indexing and Slicing
- Creating array views and copies
- Manipulating array shapes
- I/O with NumPy
Module 5:Working with Pandas
- Installing pandas
- Pandas dataframes
- Pandas Series
- Data aggregation with Pandas DataFrames
- Concatenating and appending DataFrames
- Joining DataFrames
- Handling missing data
Module 6: Data Loading,Storage and file format
- Writing CSV files with numpy and pandas
- HDF5 format
- Reading and Writing to Excel with pandas
- JSON data
- Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
- PyTables
Module 7: Python Regular Expressions
- What are regular expressions?
- The match Function
- The search Function
- Matching vs searching
- Search and Replace
- Extended Regular Expressions
- Wildcard
Module 8:Python Oracle Database Access
- Install the cx_Oracle and other Packages
- Create Database Connection
- DML and DDL Oepration with Databases
- Performing Transactions
- Handling Database Errors
- Disconnecting Database
Module 9:Python Multithreaded Programming
- What is multithreading?
- Starting a New Thread
- The Threading Module
- Synchronizing Threads
- Multithreaded Priority Queue
- + Certification
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- + Why Yess Infotech
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- + Trainer Profile
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- + What is Next
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Our Courses
Quick Inquiry
I have joined class for selenium automation, the training was great. Teaching faculty is very nice to give practical with each and every concept. I was not having a single knowledge about java but that after joining Yess InfoTech, I have great knowledge about java language and now able to writing script by own way. I refer to all if you want to practically grow your knowledge then 100% join to Yess InfoTech. Thank you giving me training. Also service very nice provided and friendly nature of all faculty.
I came to know about Yess Infotech via just dial. The Admin arranged a Demo session which helped me to understand the approach of the institute. There were very less Students in my batch which helped me to understand the course easily which I have taken. The batch timings were flexible. The professor and staff are very helpful and co-operative. Would recommend to join this institute if you want to gain knowledge in Automation Testing.